Entries by Matt Egan

Online Learning

It’s looking likely that if you’re not already, you’ll soon be getting to enjoy some extra time with your kids. Here are some great free online learning resources to keep the kids motivated – there may even be something that appeals to you to learn a new skill.   Khan Academy https://www.khanacademy.org Especially good for […]

Covid-19 (Corona Virus)

What are the symptoms of Covid-19 The WHO have identified that close to 90% of cases had a fever and two-thirds had a dry cough. The third most common symptom was fatigue. Almost 40% of cases suffered from it. Source: https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus How is Covid-19 Spread? It is spread through “Respiratory droplets” – when a person coughs […]

Arc Flash

An Arc Flash is an electrical explosion due to a fault or short circuit where electric discharge travels through the air between conductors or from a conductor to a ground. An Arc Flash can last anywhere from a fraction of a second to several seconds. Most 400v and above electrical machinery has the capacity to […]

Instrumentation & Calibration

INSTRUMENTATION Instrumentation is the term used to describe all the different devices (or instruments) that are indicating, measuring and recording physical quantities within your plant to ensure that your production processes are operating effectively. Some types of measures commonly monitored include:   Flow  Flow meters are used to measure the flow in a process pipe. […]

Why we’re sponsoring Kidney Health NZ

Electrical & Automation Solutions (EAS) signed on as a sponsor of Kidney Health NZ in 2019. Kidney Health is a topic close to our hearts as Carey Penn, Managing Director of EAS, is currently on his own journey with kidney disease. On the face of it, you’d think Carey was a pretty normal, healthy guy. He’d […]

Referral Offer Terms & Conditions

How to take advantage of this great offer, plus the terms & conditions: Encourage your colleagues, friends or family at other businesses to get in touch with Carey to discuss how EAS can work with their business – make sure they mention this offer so you can get your reward; or Provide Carey with the […]

Health & Safety at EAS

AT EAS we have a strong commitment to health and safety. Our priority is not just about ensuring your standards are up-held; we believe in going above and beyond to ensure both our team and yours go home safe and sound at the end of each day. We ensure all our staff are certified to […]